Friday, May 31, 2013

Black Rat Snake

When your Hooman finds a 5+ foot long Black Rat Snake on the cabinet in her kitchen......she will freak isn't pretty. Lesson Learned.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Stink Bug

This is a stink bug. Don't eat them. They're gross. Lesson Learned.


This is Honeysuckle. Honeysuckle is good. I have it all over my yard. I LIKE it!

Time Out

Today must have been "time-out" day. My Hooman spent a lot of time in the corner(s) today mumbling something about testing the stripper. I'm not sure what that means, but this is all I saw when my Hooman finished time out. Not very exciting.

Elusive Bunny

I heard my Hooman talking the other day about the fact that she had seen a bunny rabbit in our yard several evenings in a row. She talks to herself a lot when she holds a little box to her ear. Can she hear the ocean in her box?

Anyhoo, she said that the bunny was hard to spot. For a seasoned adventurer like me, Little Dog, it was easy to spot the not-so-elusive bunny rabbit!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Bugs. My Hooman moved me to a land of giant, noisy bugs. This is what I see all day. Yuck. My Hooman promises me that the bugs will only appear once every 17 years. Cicada's she calls them. So my question is why would she move me to the land of giant bugs the ONLY year in my entire life that they would be out? Seriously? Hooman logic.........pfft.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I am Little Dog and this is my blog. I decided to share my day to day adventures and thoughts with someone other than my Hooman. My Hooman takes good care of me, but sometimes I need a different audience.
